How do i buy my tickets? - The tickets are paid with MasterCard / Visa or advance by bank transfer
How do I get my tickets delivered ? - Via email for direct or letter in the mail How does the prepayment work? - The amount will be deposited to Nortics bank and registered after payment (2-3 Business Days ) , your tickets will be sent to you Has my payment arrived ? - For card payments, you will receive your tickets within 5 minutes, the prepayment takes 2-3 business days before the payment reaches us. Can I refund tickets ? - No, not normally , in rare cases , you may contact the organizer who then notifies us of any refund. I have a question about the event itself who should I contact ? - You will find contact details for the organizer under "Support" I have problems with my reservation who do I contact ? - Go to " Support" at the top of the reservation page or go directly to / support I did not manage to book , I can book via email ? - Sorry, we're unable to accept bookings via email
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Medverkande: Per-Markus Heggestad: Flöjt Eva-Karin Axelsson-Hellander: Oboe Lotta Pettersson van den Poel: Klarinett Peter Gullqvist: Fagott Staffan Lundén-Welden: Valthorn